Monday, March 28, 2011

2P05: When Dilute Acid Meet Carbonates...

1. They react to form sodium chloride solution and carbon dioxide. Extra water is also formed but that is already present in the HCl solution.

2. Metal Carbonate + Acid -> Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide

3a) It will be more reactive.
 b) There will be more carbon dioxide.
 c) The limewater will turn chalky faster.
 Explanation: Sulfuric is a weaker acid, thus it reacts faster.

4. The gas can be put into limewater and if it turns chalky, it is carbon dioxide.

5a. Acidic.
 b. Some dilute acid and extract the one which is chemically neutral.

1a)1.      Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid ---> calcium chloride + carbon dioxide + water
CaCO3 + 2HCl ---> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
2.       Sodium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid -->sodium chloride + carbon dioxide + water
Na2CO3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) --> 2NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) +H2O(l)

3.       Potassium carbonate + hydrochloric acid -->potassium chloride, water and carbon dioxide
K2CO3 + 2HCl --> 2KCl + H2O + CO2

4.       Calcium carbonate + nitric acid -->water + carbon dioxide + calcium nitrate
CaCO3 + 2HNO3 -------> H2O + CO2 + CA(NO3)2

        5.  Sodium carbonate + nitric acid --> water + carbon dioxide + sodium nitrate          Na2CO3  + 2HNO3 --> H2O + CO2 + Na(NO3)

         6. potassium carbonate + nitric acid -->water + carbon dioxide + potassium nitrate   K2CO3 + 2HNO3  -->H2O + CO2 + KNO3
7a) 2NaOH + H2SO4 -> (Na)2SO4 + 2H20
  b) Sodium hydroxide + sulfuric acid -> sodium sulfiate + water

8a) 2KOH + H2SO4 --> K2SO4 + 2H2O
  b) Sulfuric acid + potassium hydroxide -> potassium sulfate + water

9a) H2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 --> CaSO4 + 2H2O
  b) sulfuric acid + calcium hydroxide --> calcium sulfate + water

10) HCL + NH3 --> NH4CL
  b) hydrochloric acid + ammonia solution --> ammonium chloride

11a) HNo3 + NH3 -> H2O + NH4NO3
   b) nitric acid + ammonia solution -> water + ammonium nitrate

Done by: Keif Tan
              Wan Wei Ren
              Tan Nigel

1 comment:

  1. First of all, where are the questions for the chemical equations? It doesnt tally with the questions? there are Q 1 to Q12 but it is not reflected in the answers. Please redo!

    Answers to conclusion

    1. Dilute acid reacts with a carbonate to produce carbon dioxide gas

    (a) Effervescence of colourless and odourless gas which formed a white precipitate in limewater was observed in the first experiment; while no gas was evolved in this experiement.

    (b) A white precipitate is formed in limewater in the first experiment while there is no visible change in this experiment.

    (c) The damp blue litmus paper turned red in the first experiment, while there is no visible change in this experiment.


    The reaction between calcium carbonate and sulfuric acid is imcomplete. The product, calcium sulfate is insoluble in water. It will form a coating around the insoluble calcium carbonate. Hence prevent further reaction from taking place.

    4. Bubble the gas through limewater (you do not put the gas in limewater). If the gas is carbon dioxide, a white precipitate is formed. (You do not use the word "chalky")

    5(b) Bubble the sample of air through limewater. carbon dioxide gas in the air will react with limewater to form an insoluble product, calcium carbonate. Thus removing carbon dioxide from the air.
